The Office of the Prophet is an insightful look at the biblical office of the prophet. The office of the prophet was redefined and minimized during the Romanization of Christianity. However, in this book, the author, Dr. Dana Carson, argues that the office of the prophet was never intended to be replaced nor fade out of existence through dispensational thought. In fact, the office of the prophet is one of the renewal aspects of the Kingdom reformation!
The book, The Office of the Prophet, teaches anyone who is called to the office of the prophet what the Bible tells about the office, practically and biblically, and how to effectively walk in the office of the prophet with biblical integrity. This book is a revolutionary instructional guide to one of the most misunderstood offices in the Body of Christ – the prophet. Dr. Carson operates in the office of apostle; he plants churches worldwide, develops and train leaders, establishes doctrine, and operates in authority over churches with a Kingdom-minded focus and context.
Dr. Carson, who is known worldwide for his vast writings on the Kingdom of God and leadership development, provides a theologically accurate resource that has been in demand for centuries, but is now here. The Office of the Prophet is the first of its kind and is a must-read for those who desire to understand the only office of the five-fold ministry (apostle, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers) that extends over the span of both testaments.
The book is only for purchase with the course for The Office of the Prophet. Please visit www.kingdomschoolofministry.com for more details.